This topic describes the available tools and how each assists volume licensing customers. Several additional tools are available to help volume licensing customers manage activations and product key usage. Volume licensing customers can log on to this website at any time to view their volume licensing key information. One tool that is available to volume licensing customers is the Volume Licensing Service Center. Organizations that use the Volume Activation Services in Windows Server 2012need to track product key usage and the license conditions of activated computers.
When you have completed the planning steps in this section, you can deploy your volume activation infrastructure based on this plan.
Step 4: Determine Monitoring and Reporting NeedsĪpplies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2Īfter you have mapped computers that are using volume activation methods in Step 3: Determine Activation Method and Product License Requirements, you can complete your volume activation deployment plan by determining your organization’s volume activation monitoring and reporting needs.